Tightrope- Stevie Ray Vaughan

Main Riff

Here’s a great SRV riff. It’s a challenge to play it up to speed at first, so I’ve included an audio sample of it somewhat slower than the recorded version. You may need to start off even slower. There’s nothing wrong with that, just take your time. Like I said, it’s pretty hard. The main riff is played as an intro to the song and after each transition after the verse and chorus.

Life By The Drop- Part 5

Final Chorus

The final chorus delivers a one-two punch as we throw in a couple of guitar licks in between the vocal delivery.

F#m               (add lick here)    
Livin' the dream!
F#m               (add lick here)
My mind stoped achin'!

The song finishes with the refrain:
F#m             D7               E           A
That's how it's happened, livin' Life by the drop
F#m             D7               E           A
That's how it's happened, livin' Life by the drop